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作者: 李慧慧
出版社: 红蜻蜓
出版日期: 2012
商品库存: 20
市场价格: RM20.00
本店售价: RM18.00
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家境富裕的叶美香自小娇生惯养,什么事情都不用自己动手做。爸爸生意失败后,他们一家三口搬到一栋平价公寓居住,吃的用的样样都要省。美香接受不了自己从高高在上的“公主”一夜之间被贬为“平民” ,对一切事物都看不顺眼。她不想让朋友知道自己的处境,却在搬家的第一天发现同班同学心怡竟然住在她家对面。在整个悠长假期的相处之下,美香那颗拒人于千里之外的心渐渐被心怡的善良和乐观所软化。心怡常劝美香无论在什么情况之下都要记得微笑,美香却嗤之以鼻。



Ye Mei Xiang is a pampered and spoilt girl who comes from a well-to-do family. She does not have to lift a finger to do anything at home. When her father’s business failed, the family of three moved to a low-cost apartment and had to live frugally to survive.

She could not accept the overnight downgrading from a high and mighty ‘princess’ to a ‘commoner’, and so was critical of everything. She did not want her friends to know her predicament but found out on the first day after she moved in to her new place that her classmate, Xin Yi, was her opposite neighbour.

Over the long holidays, Mei Xiang’s hardened heart was slowly softened by Xin Yi’s kindness and cheerful disposition. Xin Yi often reminded Mei Xiang to smile, no matter how bad a situation was, but Mei Xiang was reluctant to.

When the school holidays were almost over, what Mei Xiang fretted most was round the corner. She was afraid that others would find out that she was no longer a ‘princess’, even more afraid that her two best friends, Li Hua and Xiao Yuan, would ostrocised her due to that. So, she asked Xin Yi to keep it a secret and pretend that they were total strangers in school. Xin Yi had no choice but to agree to that.

In the end, Mei Xiang’s lie snowballed into bigger lies…