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当前位置: 首页 > 影音.CD > 拉威爾: 庫普蘭之墓 / 柏克萊: 嬉遊曲 / 龐茲: 第三號交響曲 / 約翰.威爾森 指揮 / 倫敦小交響樂團 (SACD)
拉威爾: 庫普蘭之墓 / 柏克萊: 嬉遊曲 / 龐茲: 第三號交響曲 / 約翰.威爾森 指揮 / 倫敦小交響樂團 (SACD)
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拉威爾: 庫普蘭之墓 / 柏克萊: 嬉遊曲 / 龐茲: 第三號交響曲 / 約翰.威爾森 指揮 / 倫敦小交響樂團 (SACD)

出版社: Chandos
出版日期: 2024-02-09
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT679.00
市场价格: RM131.46
本店售价: RM117.00
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作曲家: Maurice Ravel / Lennox Berkeley / Adam Pounds
指揮家: John Wilson
樂團: Sinfonia of London

The three composers whose works appear on this album are interconnected: Ravel was a mentor to Lennox Berkeley, and Berkeley to Pounds. Le Tombeau de Couperin marks Ravel's movement towards neoclassicism, its forms and style a re-invention of ones from the French baroque. Originally written for solo piano, the movements of the suite were dedicated to friends whom Ravel had lost in the First World War. In 1919 he orchestrated four of the six movements (the version performed here). Berkeley met Ravel a number of times in the 1920s, working as an interpreter and tour-guide whilst Ravel was in London. Ravel advised him to study with Nadia Boulanger, which he did, between 1926 and 1932. Commissioned by Sir Arthur Bliss for the BBC Symphony Orchestra in 1942, the Divertimento initially received a mixed reception, but has since found many supporters (including Pounds). The critic Peter Dickinson felt it showed an 'instinctive and unimpassioned creativeness associated with the French aesthetic, but by no means restricted to it'. Adam Pounds studied privately with Berkeley in London during the late 1970s, and in his own music has perpetuated the firm commitment of the two earlier composers to clarity and accessibility in everything they wrote. His Third Symphony was written in 2021 and is a response to the national lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Pounds states that the piece captures the 'sadness, humour, determination and defiance' which everyone faced at this time – not least musicians. Scored for relatively modest orchestral forces, the work is dedicated to Sinfonia of London and John Wilson who here give the work its world premiere recording.


Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin 16:36
1. I. Prelude (A la memoire du lieutenant Jacques Charlot) 3:12
2. II. Forlane (A la memoire du lieutenant Gabriel Deluc) 5:09
3. III. Menuet (A la memoire de Jean Dreyfus) 5:05
4. IV. Rigaudon (A la memoire de Pierre et Pascal Gaudin) 3:10

Berkeley, L: Divertimento in B flat, Op. 18 18:18
5. I. Prelude. Moderato 3:43
6. II. Nocturne. Andante - Un poco piu vivo 5:12
7. III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace 5:14
8. IV. Finale. Allegro 4:09

Pounds, A: Symphony No. 3 30:52
9. I. Largo - Poco piu mosso 10:12
10. II. Tempo di Waltz 4:29
11. III. Elegy (hommage to Anton Bruckner) 8:07
12. IV. Allegro moderato - Largo - A tempo I 8:04