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当前位置: 首页 > 影音.CD > 德布西/奧乃格/普朗克長笛作品集 (牧神之笛) / 卡爾-海因茲.舒茲 長笛 / 查斯林 鋼琴
德布西/奧乃格/普朗克長笛作品集 (牧神之笛) / 卡爾-海因茲.舒茲 長笛 / 查斯林 鋼琴
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德布西/奧乃格/普朗克長笛作品集 (牧神之笛) / 卡爾-海因茲.舒茲 長笛 / 查斯林 鋼琴

出版社: Evidence
出版日期: 2023-05-12
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT709.00
市场价格: RM137.27
本店售价: RM122.17
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作曲家: Debussy / Varese / Bozza / Chaslin / Honegger / Poulenc
演出者: Karl-Heinz Schutz (flute) / v (piano) 

卡爾-海因茲.舒茲在維也納國立歌劇院遇見費德里克.查斯林, 舒茲是長笛獨奏而查斯林和平常一樣是指揮. 他們的相遇啟發查斯林編寫適合這位長笛家演奏的個性和特質. 結果是他們第一次錄製在這張專輯中的給長笛與鋼琴的奏鳴曲. 在這位作曲家許多靈感的十字路口上, 讓"巴黎人的觀感"得以自由發揮, 這在德布西和普朗克的作品中也感覺的到. 舒茲和查斯林將他們與艾德加.瓦雷茲(Edgar Varese), 奧乃格(Honegger)和尤金.波札(Eugene Bozza) 的作品一起放入此專輯中. 此專輯標題是德布西最有名的作品, 提醒我們希臘神話中西林克斯(syrinx)一詞也是鳥兒的發聲器官. 一個充滿希望的標題, 讓這位傑出的音樂家公平的對待所有的作品.

Karl-Heinz Schutz and Frederic Chaslin met at the Wiener Staatsoper, where Schutz is Solo Flute and Chaslin appears regularly as conductor. Their meeting inspired Frederic Chaslin to compose a work tailored to the flautist's personality and quality of performance. The result is the Sonata for flute and piano, which they have recorded here for the first time. At the crossroads of the composer's many inspirations, it gives free rein to the "sentiment parisien" which is also to be felt in Debussy and Poulenc. Karl-Heinz Schutz and Frederic Chaslin bring them on this album together alongside works by Varese, Honegger and Bozza. Its title, which echoes Debussy's famous composition, reminds us that the word 'syrinx' also refers to the vocal organ of the birds. A promising title, to which the brilliant musicians do justice!